LOVE AND PEACE Kalipada Ghosh


My heart is open to all without  borders

People of all countries

Irrespective of caste ,creed and colors.

Humanism is my religion

Love , peace and integrity are my mission and vision.

I think of the little children

The flowers of Nature

They are simple , innocent and delicate

They should be imparted moral and value education with the formal education.

They are the future citizens of the nation.

Love for the humanity should be cultivated from the Childhood.

Love , peace ,unity , fraternity , patriotism and  solidarity to be imbibed in the minds and hearts of the youngsters.

The world will be a better place for human habitation.

We must respond to the humanity's Call.

Love and Peace 'll reign the world.

Copyrights reserved @ Kalipada Ghosh, WB. India.
