Bronx Book Fair aka The People's Book Fair

 On August 24th, 2024 the Bronx Book Fair aka The People's Book Fair brought together a community of global artists for "Creating For Purpose: Social Justice, Activism, Advocacy & Art. They shared their art, gifts and talents with a welcoming community of attendees and fellow artists. Artists of varying genres were represented. Their words were powerful, empowering, beautiful and inspiring. Each understanding the assignment spoke truth to power! 

On behalf of myself, my truly amazing sibling and Co-host Edward Currelley and the Bronx Book Fair aka The People's Book Fair we are filled with a depth of appreciation! We thank our individuall and collective body of supporters, sponsors, encouragers and community members beyond measure! 

Special sibling love and appreciation always to my brilliant sibling, Poet and Author Edward Currelley! We have served our community together since 1978! Abundant blessings in all present and future endeavors!

We  thank our beloved community for your attendance and support! We work for you! You propel and encourage us yearly as we prepare literally months in advance for our annual community event! 

Thanks to our community of distinguished poets, spoken word artists, performance artists and musicians. You were wonderful! A very special thank you to Invited Guest Poet, Laini Mataka, Author of the acclaimed book Return of The Kings. Poet Laini Mataka, Author of Return of The Kings you were and are magnificent! Your resonating words of wisdom, encouragement, insight and brilliance powerful and treasured gems! We were all honored by your shared thoughts and insights during our conversation, your presentation

and Q & A.

Thanks to featured poets Eva Lianou Petropoulou Jeanette Eureka Tiburcio and Joe Kidd & Sheila Burke for your unwavering support, community spirit and encouragement! Welcome back and thanks Ngoma Hill, Osunyoyin Alake Ifarike, George Wallace and our dear Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead! Welcome back and thank you Poet Genevieve Ray for Co-hosting with Author and Poet Edward Currelley! You were both outstanding hosts for the Bronx Book Fair Poetry Salon! Well done! Thank you. first time Bronx Book Fair featured poets Jac Que Lyn aka Jacquelyn Grant Brown and Tsahai General, both shared exquisite poetry! Thank you Taniyah Jackson, assistant to Author and Assemblage Artist Janice Nahshal!

We opened with a welcome by yours truly and a community prayer by Janice Nahshal, Assemblaged Artist and Author. Janice Nahshal held an enthusiastic audience in awe viewing her created  art made from household and found objects. By popular demand we hope to see you in 2025!

I am left moved deeply by the sharing that took place in the  Emotional Emancipation workshop. Attendees entered a safe and welcoming space and courageously gave voice to issues in need of attention. Special love and prayers to those who shared. We support, love and appreciate you! Your courage and sharing served to encourage and support others. Your words are steps on the healing journey for all! 

The Bronx Book Fair aka People's Book Fair works to create resonating programming. A space where all are welcomed! We advocate for social justice /environmental justice & equity, literacy, food & health justice. We encourage and support the creativity in all! We advocate against ageism, racism and sexism. We are about The People's work!

©Lorraine 2024 
